Friday, 4 January 2013

Like-minded people.

So this:

This guy says a lot of things that I felt myself and which I still struggle with. There is no doubt that once my grandmother on my father's side passes away I will never hear from that side of the family again. There is a very good reason for this. I come from a family of mostly hard-working bankers, accountants or builders so I can totally relate to this. It was pretty much expected of me that I would do something with accounting like everyone else and my dad forbade me to ever make a career out of being creative. So i said fuck em. I am the only one in my family to gain a degree and I worked my butt of to get it and although it is an arts degree and I will never gain a “real job” in their eyes it made me happy. Now I have a job which offers me plenty of time to be creative, to write, to sing, to be joyous in my life and enough money to make do (not planning on being wealthy or even well-off like the rest of my family). I say we get rid of the guilt for allowing ourselves to be happy instead of pleasing everyone else.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

2013 update

So 2013 already ...  Wow that went fast. After reading through all the many many posts with new years resolutions posted on facebook, on blogs and many other places I have decided to make one myself. 
In 2013 I will ...
Be myself! 
I said it. 
I feel no need to change anything in my life and I am not going to lie to myself and make all kinds of promises that I wont keep anyway. 
2012 for me was another up and down year; 
- Got a job! Yes that happened and is still happening. I am very grateful that someone chose to give me the chance and now I can only strive to not let them down. 
- Lost 9,5 kgs (gained a little of it back during december)
- Husband finally managed to get a residency.   

So 2013 I am ready for you. I signed up for milwordy (Yikes one million in a year!)
So far my plans for 2013 looks something like this: 
- Finish up The day they descended; book 1 of my sci-fi series. 
- Write the 2nd and 3rd of the series.
- Write a steampunk/urban fantasy with a base in egyptian mythology
- Finish my NaNo 2012 romance novel.
- Write "The Twins saga" (working title)
- Finish my YA novel (translating from danish and then finishing) 
- Write book 2 and 3 in the YA novel series. 
- Write "The awakening of a new race" (working title)

A bit of work ahead of me, but hopefully that will end up at 1 mill at the end of it.
Now I am looking for title suggestions. So far the story goes something like this; In a Steampunk inspired world shared by humans and elves, steam-taxi operator Alex Bean (name is a part of a dare) unwillingly gets involved in the dealings of the high council of elves when a young elven woman dies of mysterious reasons on a taxi ride. The young woman was part of a dig in Egypt lead by the human scientist Doctor Nicholas Lovett Fysh, studying the common link between elven and human culture. Soon Alex is wrapped up in elven politics at the same time as having to solve the mystery of a sickness that only seems to affect elves. She is forced to collaborate with the posh Lord Odyhum, sister of the victim, and the ghost of Sam Eliott, another and seemingly unrelated victim of the dig. 

Throw me a line so I know your thoughts. Peace out Comrades.